When you started your business, social media was like a bright shiny object. You jumped on every popular social media platform, secured an account, set up a profile, and published a few posts. Then, months passed. What happened? Overwhelm set in. Nothing got posted with so many platforms to update and content to curate. That’s… Read more »
Social Media
Content Creation for Social Media – Made Easy
Many small businesses dread this question– what do I post on social media today? Even if you’ve hired someone to manage it, you still get that all-important question, “what can we put on social media next month?” Ugh! The question alone can send you overboard. So, put both feet back in the boat, and let’s… Read more »
Succeed with Social Media During the Coronavirus
Every day I feel like I’m living in a nightmare and will awake soon. But I know I’m not alone. Our lives have flipped upside down – kids are out of school, people wear masks to grocery shop, businesses and churches are closed, special events and milestones have gone virtual, and we’re spending endless days… Read more »